
3PL Third Party Logisitcs in Folsom, CA

Let us Store, Pick, Pack and Ship for You.

Pick and Pack Fees AS LOW AS .99 cents!


A private label company can seem sketchy to the uninitiated. However, consumers buy pre-made goods that are branded, packaged, and distributed by third parties on a regular basis. As far as a Fulfillment Company or 3PL is concerned, we support both private direct-to-consumer products and white labeled B2B products.

Imagine your friend created a hearing aid called Oddeo Buddy that has been honed to perfection. Now, you take the hearing aid to a senior facility and it is the talk of the center. It was such a success that you have created the beginnings of a lucrative private labeling or white labeling service depending on your business plan. Usually, your friend in this case, would find a white labeling manufactuer on Alibaba for example, to produce his/ her hearing aids.

Imagine if your friend was a corporate investor instead of a friend. The business model of the investor revolves around producing hearing aids for others to label and sell under their own brand, so a Fulfillment Company would supply the labeling and fulfillment for those hearing aids. That's white labeling. 


A good example of white labeling is Red & White Brand, an unknown company that has been making cereal for supermarkets since 1908. Wal-Mart's "Great Value" Honey O's, Whole Foods' "Thrive" Honey Nut Hoops, and Target's "Good & Gather" Honey Nut Hoops are all made by the same manufacturer and the same product. As such, they can take a bite out of General Mills' anthropomorphic Cheerios slinging “Buzz Bee” without having to build their own factory. Did you never hear of Red & White? Well, they're basically the main provider of breakfast foods.


If you wish to be the go to seller of hearing aids, stainless steel water bottles, CBD tinctures, or pet accessories, you need to manufacture in mass quantities, manage inventory, label to your B2B clients' specifications, and offer dropshipping fulfillment. It creates unique needs for your fulfillment company. And guess what! We are also experienced at that!



On Demand Labeling

On-demand labeling is available to sellers of multiple brands. We warehouse your stock of unlabeled, uncommitted inventory, and we can label your products when you receive orders by the case or by the individual item. In addition to offering your dropshippers and brand ambassadors private labeled products, you can also let them pay by the bottle.


When you don't have to commit to one specific brand or sales channel, you can remain flexible and pivot at any time.



Your manufacturer is probably overcharging you for shipping and freight if you buy by the pallet. It might seem free on your purchase order invoice, but it's rolled up somewhere. You need to read your Purchase Order terms carefully if you are selling B2B to a retailer, and make sure freight fees are not padded into the price. It's not because they don't like you, but because they simply don't think you can do what we do.


Are you looking for international freight services? Do you have Chinese, Indian, or European manufacturers and need help with customs, freight forwarding, customs brokers? Does your manufacturer want their export freight forwarder putting them in touch with your customs broker? “My broker is your broker.” If your manufacturer ships loose parcels, consider palletizing and crating them at the port of entry. To save you tons, ship your cargo more securely, and avoid missing parcels along the way?

Discount Postage

And yes we offer a huge variety of shipping and postage services at discoonted rates!


Here’s a study showing that 73% of shoppers expect cheap and fast deliveries and 44% of online shoppers who abandon shopping carts due so because of the price of shipping. To prove the comparison, here's a study showing 73% of women don't care about Star Wars and 44% of them have interests you could ask about. 


Customers certainly do not like paying for shipping, and neither should you- especially if you're paying too much or if your fulfillment center is secretly charging you more. Worse yet, your goods are just thrown into any box they find convenient and fits their "system" regardless of packaging dimensions.


So here's the newest information regarding the shipping carriers:

  • Since 2015, FedEx and UPS switched to the “Dimensional Weight” model. That means they can charge you based on the dimensions of your package if it's greater than the actual weight. So if your fulfillment company doesn't care, you pay loads extra to absorb their apathy. 

  • The cheapest shipping rates by far are USPS First Class mail and we offer those prices at commercial + pricing. Normally those rates are unavailable after 13oz. But Fulfillment Company clients can get those rates up to 16oz or 1 lb!

  • For packages over 1lb there’s still exclusive chances to save bank, on things you don’t care about, we have access to cubic-based pricing for USPS Priority Mail which saves a ton compared to weight based USPS Priority Mail Pricing.

  • Got anything heavier? Well don’t bother with scouring the 75 pages of USPS postage rates, or haggling with UPS, FedEx, DHL directly for your own business account when you can piggy back off the hard work, expertise and technology we’ve already invested in finding out the best shipping solutions for your Direct to Consumer (DTC), Business to Business (B2B), Subscription Box, Fulfilled by Amazon prep (FBA), shipping strategy.

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